Friday 30 May 2014

Final poster

More rendered images

roofing research and design

I have designed two types of roofing structures. This image above is for all pods on the exterior facing into the centre pod which will have a roof design as shown in the image below.

The design below shows the different layers in the roof. The most important fact this is showing is that there is an initial transparent roof layer first and then non transparent on top allowing for panels to be removed for potential sun roofs letting light into the living areas of the house from the ceiling.

all half hexagons that contain the stairwell and bathroom have almost flat roofing but with enough slant to allow for drainage.

Rendered images shown in presentation (Hard copy but put onto computer)

Demonstration of comparison in number of access points of tessellated squares vs hexagons.

Image opening out on to top floor exterior If client was to have added maximum pods with still a hap for and outdoor upstairs.
Draft idea of internal sliders view separating the living areas from the bedrooms

Rendering precedents